Criteria for Scholarships
Please ensure that employees of your company are informed of the availability of the HCANL Scholarship Awards for 2024 as outlined below.
Two Scholarships based on Merit, each valued at $1,000.00, will be awarded to a student enrolled in a post-secondary program. The applicant must be:
A son or daughter of an employee or owner of a member firm in good standing with the Association
A graduate from high school in the current year
A resident of Newfoundland & Labrador
Send completed form to Heavy Civil Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, Attention: Heather Tobin. The envelope must be clearly marked Tender for HCANL Scholarship
Selection of the scholarship recipients will be based on the average of the applicant’s final marks obtained and calculated in the same manner as outlined with The Government of NL Department of Education and Early Childhood Development “Graduation with HONOURS Status”.
Applications must be received in hand by HCANL via mail, or hand delivered to HCANL Office, 25 Kenmount Road, Suite 208, St. John’s A1B 1W1 on or before November 12, 2024