Become a Member
Join us in driving the industry forward
Membership has its rewards.
Membership Benefits
Staff and committees are actively working on behalf of the members.
We are an influential organization that represents members interest in meetings and discussions with Government Departments and Agencies, Municipal Councils, Engineering Consultants and the General Public.
Dispute Resolution: Why spend thousands of dollars in court over a dispute with an owner when your case can be heard in front of a panel of contractors, consultants and Government officials.
HCANL has partnered with NLCA to provide members a special rate for construction Bulletin, which is a valuable resource for any company whether Contractor or Supplier to be kept up to date on upcoming tenders and results.
Actively involved in the continued development of the Specification Books, for both the Government of NL, DTW and DMA.
Membership Directory
The HCANL AGM, West Coast annual meeting and golf tournament along with other Networking opportunities are great events to network and socialize with members.
Member’s children are eligible for two $ 1,000.00 Scholarship awards.
Hours of Service Exemption with Provincial Government for HCANL companies.
Rapid Water Testing Results with Department of Health. (Eastern Region)
A proud supporter in our community and local charity committees: Candlelighters, Children’s Wish, Western regional Hospital Foundation, The Avalon Dragons Boat, Kids Eat Smart, and many more…
Accomplishments To Date
Development of a universal Specification Book in cooperation with DMA and Consulting Engineers
Instrumental in bringing about Round Table discussions and promotion of government focus on streamlining tendering processes
Development of Dispute Resolution process
Founding member of NLCSA and promotion of COR safety program
Organizing seminars to promote professionalism amongst members as well as provide the latest information available in many areas such as insurance, bonding, disputes, equipment, construction techniques, provincial regulations, building codes, etc.
Successfully lobbied Government for an early tender program within the Department of Transportation and multi-year funding programs with DMA
Successfully communicates with the government on industry position on many areas of common concern and vice versa.
Consults with DTW to ensure that Equipment Rental rates are current and adequate.
Ongoing involvement with health and safety issues and lobbing with WHSCC on changes to regulations.
Successful in lobbying to have the implementation of mandatory overtime postponed.
Successfully negotiated Hours of Service Exemption with Provincial Government for HCANL companies.
Liaised with the Federal Government on the establishment of new asphalt emission standards.
Spearheaded the successful class action appeal regarding Revenue Canada's re-assessments of fuel oil excise tax for use in the production of asphalt.
Partnering with Government for new front-end tender documents.
Liaised with Provincial Government on new Pit and Quarry regulations.
Continues to lobby the Provincial Government to call tenders early.
Currently working with the Department of Education regarding Blaster Licensing policy.
Provides a member to be a Provincial Vice-Chair and sit on the CCA Civil Infrastructure Council.
Successfully lobbied the Department of Health for rapid water testing results for commercial use.
Provides $5,000.00 in Scholarship awards to CNA, and MUN Students.
Since 1996 the HCANL has contributed close to $1,000,000.00 to the Children’s Wish Foundation.