Committees & Working Groups

Road Builder Committee

Chair: Brian Johnson - JCL

User Producer Group - Executive Director

Specifications - Eugene Savard - Marine Contractors

Structures - Terry Dunn- AIL

Heavy Civil Regulatory Committee

Chair: Leon House - Nortech

Pits and Quarries - Rob Stapleton - Rock Construction

Motor Vehicle Registration - Brian Johnson - Johnson's Construction

Industry Safety - Steve Crickard - Western Petroleum

Education Committee

Chair: Chair Dennis Pynn - Pyramid
Co-Chair - Tony Gosse - Platinum Construction

Funding - Steve Chafe - Afonso

Promotion/ -
Leon House - Nortech

Education Training - Rob Stapleton - Rock Construction

Water and Sewer Committee

Chair: Tony Gosse - Platinum Construction

Contractor Group - Executive Director

Specifications - Rob Payne - Marine Contractors

Associate Members Committee

Chair: Shawn Dowling- EMCO Waterworks

Events - Paul Rossiter - Western Petroleum

Membership Retention & Growth - Terry Dunn- AIL

Executive Committee

Chair: Association President
Steve Chafe - Afonso

(Providing oversight for the following Memberships and Activities. Internal activities not requiring membership support at this time)

Industry Funding
Staff Oversight