Service Provider Listing for the Quarry / Aggregate Industry

The Mineral Lands Division of the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology is responsible for the regulation of quarry operations in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Mineral Lands Division is currently compiling a list of companies and consultants that may have an interest in providing services to quarry operators in the Province. The list will be presented on the Department’s website for clients to reference.

The Division reviews applications for exploration licences, reviews proposals for quarry permits and quarry leases, issues quarry tenure, and monitors all operations for compliance with the Act and the terms and conditions of approval.

If you or your company are interested in providing services to the quarry/aggregate industry, please complete the Google form available here: Quarry Service Providers Google Form.

Reach out to Andrea Devereaux, Manager (A) of the Quarry Materials Section at 729-6447 or


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